voyageiro travel with passion europe


Travel with passion


Ready to discover our travel guides? Discover our personalized travel guides. What do we deliver to give you more inside information?

Discover our travel guides

Below you find the digital items we deliver to you so you are able to travel with passion. And do you know what is ideal about it? You are able to travel with passion all at your own pace. No rush, no guide who runs with you from here to there. Find out below what is your ideal tool to stay informed.


Do you want a digital travel guide in PDF-format? So, you have all the information of a location in your pocket and don't need an internet connection.

In that case, our digital travel brochures are ideal for you. We deliver them as a digital download on Etsy for a few bucks.

How to use?

  • As a digital file on your device
  • Print them out on A4 or A5 paper
brochure icon foldable paper information image travel guide pocket size

Also a 3 fold format is included. So, you always have a pocket format with the crucial information with you.

Self-guided Audio guides

Voyageiro offers self-guided audio tour guides.

What is it?

Self-guided audio guides are tour guides that you use in an app on your mobile device. So, you can walk through a city and discover the city at your own pace. Without the need to have a tour guide with you. This is one of the many newer ways in tour guiding.

What do I need?

smartguide logo digital audio guide app android ios
  • A charged mobile device
  • An installed guide app
  • A headset for the audio

For our free self-guided tours, we use the app Smart-Guide. Search for your city and the tours of Voyageiro. On this site, you also can find for which city we have a guided tour. Look for the Smart-Guide logo in each city post.

Our blog posts

Finally, also our blog posts and social media posts give you a lot of information about the location you want to discover. Take a look at our country page for an overview of all the locations we already have written a post to inform you.

Tips and tricks

Also our tips and tricks can give you good inside information.

Latest posts

Here you already get an overview of our latest posts.

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Travel with passion

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