A sexy city of freedom
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0 km - It is the capital
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Summer : UTC + 2
Berlin is sometimes called a grey city. Some people also call Berlin a poor, but sexy city. Because Berlin always has a lot of economical challenges. Aside of this fact, the city still has a unique character with a lively and atractive culture with its own specific atmosphere. This is why Berlin attracts a lot of tourists as the capital of Germany. Due to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Berlin became also a model of freedom. So, welcome in this cultural and sexy city of freedom beside the Spree river.
According the oldest deeds, Berlin is a city of the 13th century. Already from the beginning, Berlin is known as a city split in 2 parts: Berlin and Cölin. Cölin would be a remember at the first people who settled there in the Middle Ages. they came from the city Cologne. In 1307, the 2 parts got a common governance. From that moment we speak of the city Berlin. In the 20th century, during the period of the Cold War, Berlin was again separated into 2 parts due to the Berlin Wall.
Berlin is a city known for its high cultural life. It also is known as a metropole of one of the largest political and science centrum of Europe. But Berlin is also sometimes known as a poor city. Especially, East-Berlin, which was at the communist side of the Berlin Wall. So, this part of the city is developed very differently as the Western part of Berlin. Renovation are on the way.
After WWII, East-Berlin became the capital of the DDR, which has a communist government. While West-Berlin voluntarily adopted the laws of the Federal Republic. So, West-Berlin became a part of the Federal republic with the capital Bonn.
In West-Berlin, there also was no obligation of military service, while in East-Berlin it was. For young men, it was very attractive to flee to West-Berlin. To stop this flow of refugees, they raised a barrier in the night of 13 Augustus 1961. Afterwards, this barrier was replaced by the famous Berlin Wall. Those who fled to the west side, could be shot dead.
The Berlin Wall had some passages where western tourists could pass to go for a day to East-Berlin. These passages were known as checkpoints. One of the most famous checkpoints was Checkpoint Charlie.
In 1989, the dissatisfaction in the DDR became so high that the regime no longer had any control on the situation. The Berlin Wall has fallen by demonstrators. The barrier between East-Berlin and West-Berlin opened again. This was for good now. Germany rereened on 3 Oktober and Berlin became the capital.
A lot of guides and travel sites tell you about the popular spots and things to do in a city. According Voyageiro, these are the 5 most popular things you must do and see in Berlin.
The Brandenburger Tor is a city gate built in the 18th century. This is an iconic symbol of Berlin and Germany. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Tor became a symbol of the reunification of East- and West-Germany.
This gate is 26 meter high, around 65 meter wide and 11 meter deep. The robust columns and gate entablature are surrounded by pavilions. In the past, these pavilions were used by guards and officers. Because the city barrier was located at the location of this gate. Everyone who wanted to pass this gate, had to pay toll.
The Berlin Wall was built at the western side of the Brandenburger Tor. So, the Tor was located in East-berlin, at the Russian sector. It was possible to see the Brandenburger Tor from the west side of Berlin from an elevation.
It is possible see some remnants of the Berlin Wall with the East-Side Gallery. Which is an open air gallery along of the wall with wall paintings of artists from all over the world.
The Berlin Wall had a lot of passages. These were known as checkpoints. Checkpoint Charlie was one of the most famous and i;portant checkpoints in the Berlin wall to pass the wall between East and West germany. There also is a nice museum which gives you more insides in the history of the wall and escape attempts to the west side.
This site is a nice place about how it was to live in a separated city, a separated Germany. The museum at the Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer gives you some great experience about the Berlin Wall.
The Reichstag is the parliament building of Germany. This building is famous for its huge glass dome. This dome has a panoramic view over the city. This building is located in West-Berlin and after the reunion of Germany, they again used the Reichstag as the perliament of Germany.
It is possible to visit the dome and rooftop for free, where you have a nice view over Berlin. But you have to make a registration in advance. So, don't miss this unique opportunity when you visit Berlin.
The Berliner Fernsehturn is a television tower and the highest building in Germany. This Berlin TV Tower is a must see on your Berlin city trip.
Visiting the Berlin TV Tower is a huge experience. It has a rotating viewpoint platfom. As well as a restaurant. This is located around 203 meters above the city of Berlin. Discover Berlin in another dimension.
A monument to memorate the 6 million Jews who died in the holocaust. You will find a field of 2711 blocks and an underground exposition to tell you more about the holocaust.
This monument is located in the city centre of Berlin at the impressive Tiergarten park. this is a must see on your Berlin trip. A place where you become silent.
Like in any city, also Berlin has some hidden gems to discover:
What are the famous events? Are there regional festivities? What are the huge city festivals to join every year? Are there festivities you don't may miss in this city? Below, you find some of the famous yearly activities to do in Berlin.
February is the month of international film festival of Berlin. This is one of the largest film festivals in Europe. Because the film festival of Berlin is part of the "Big Tree", together with the film festival of Venice and the film festival of Cannes.
In the Spring, it is time for the Karneval der Kulturen. This festival takes places at the weekend of Pentecost. Karneval der Kulturen already takes place from 1996 and is a city festival with processions, theatre and music events. They are to celebrate peace, tolerance and a multicultural comunity.
Christopher Street Day is an European LGBTQ+ celebration and demonstraion. These parades are better known as the Gay Pride. The berlin Pride at the end of July is one of the most prominent prides of the Christopher Street Day. So when you are in Berlin at this day, be prepared that this pride passes through the city.
A lot of museums are opend to deep in the night. Around 75 museums, 750 events and all with 1 ticket. All these museums are connected with busses to travel from one museum to another. That is the concept of Lange Nacht der Museen.
For those who like sport and running in the city, go to Berlin at the end of Septemner. This is the moment of the Berlin Marathon. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Berlin Marathon became one of the most popular city marathons of the world.
Germany is popular for its wonderful Christmas Markets. So, also Berlin has a lot of impressive Christmas Markets on a lot of square through the city. When you love these cozy markets and Christmas, Weihnachten, then you absolutely have to visit once the Christmas markets of Berlin. Enjoy!